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 twIndexMaker( aNtxArray, wT, wL, wB, wR, wColor,;
               wSType, wFType, cHeader, agColor,;
               lMsgs, nBarFrame, bPreRun )
     Create indexes on a DBF file while displaying the progress with a
     gaugebar. This function adds a function to the indexkey then
     removes it after the index is created. The files are opened
     exclusive. The index files are recreated, NOT reindexed.


     aNtxArray - 'A' This array MUST be of the form:

                     { DBFName, NTXName,"NTX Type", "Index Key" }

                     where: DBFName is the name of the DBF file to be

                            NTXName is the name of the index file to be

                            NTX Type is the Data Type of the index.

                            Index key is the actual index key to be
                            used in creating the index.

     wT, wL
     wB, wR    - 'N' Relative window coordinates.

     wColor    - 'C' Clipper colour string. To operate properly, a
                     complete colour string must be passed. If no
                     colour is passed, the current window colour is
                     used. It to must be a complete colour string.

     wSType    - 'N' TSDWIN shadow type.

     wFType    - 'N' TSDWIN frame type.

     cHeader   - 'C' Optional title for the indexing window.

     agColor   - 'A' an array of 2 Clipper colour attributes. If this
                     is not passed, the window standard and enhanced
                     colours are used.

     lMsgs     - 'L' If .T., twWarnLine() is used to warn that indexes
                     are being created.

     nBarFrame - 'N' TSDWIN Frame type for gauge bar box.

     bPreRun   - 'B' Optional code block to execute before function
                     starts and after window is opened.




     LOCAL aNtxArray := {}
     AADD( aNtxArray, { "Windemo", "Windemo", ;
                        "C", "UPPER( CodeKey )" })
     AADD( aNtxArray, etc..... )
     twIndexMaker( aNtxArray )

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson